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Oorja Wheel

Anantam Oorja Wheel

The endless rotation of your Ananta Oorja Wheel denotes the infiniteness of the world around us. Indulge yourself in the ever-evolving motion of the Oorja Wheel.

Divyam Oorja Wheel

The endless rotation of your Ananta Oorja Wheel denotes the infiniteness of the world around us. Indulge yourself in the ever-evolving motion of the Oorja Wheel.

Ananta Oorja Wheel

The endless rotation of your Ananta Oorja Wheel denotes the infiniteness of the world around us. Indulge yourself in the ever-evolving motion of the Oorja Wheel.

Parikrama Oorja Wheel

The name denotes the rotational nature of the Oorja Wheel. The clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations of the Oorja Wheel create unique effects that cool and calm your mind.

Moksha Oorja Wheel

The name denotes the idea of us getting caught in various cycles. The soothing design makes you concentrate and you feel free from the world's chaos hence experiencing the state of Moksha. Explore how it looks on your desired wall.

Maitreya Oorja Wheel

The name is the human desire to find true friends everywhere we go. Oorja Wheel can be one of them while it is quietly filling you with positive energies.

Sattva Oorja Wheel

The name represents the purity and precision in the design and craftsmanship of the Oorja Wheels. 

Seed of life Oorja Wheel

The Seed of Life symbol, with its seven interconnected circles, symbolizes the interconnection of life on Earth and universal existence. It also implies that all life originated from a single source in a divine plan.

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